
Your hostess & friend.

Santa Ana, CA, USA
From $100.00/Hour
About me
Come along on an exciting journey with my guide service, specially designed for the lively cities of Irvine, Santa Ana, and Huntington Beach in Orange County, California. Let me be your go-to person as we explore the heart of these beautiful cities, where I know all about the coolest events and the most happening places.
My Offer
Whether you're into dazzling dance performances or shows that take you to another world, I'm here to guide you to non-stop excitement. We'll find loads of fun festivals, live music, and interesting events for you to enjoy. Imagine yourself right in the middle of the action, surrounded by the lively music and energy of Southern California's local scene.

Let's bring out your inner artist with cool caricatures that capture your personality. Enjoy a world where every moment is a chance for fun and excitement. Join me as we discover the culture and excitement of Irvine, Santa Ana, and Huntington Beach, making unforgettable memories in these awesome places.
Activity Type
Food & Drink
Nature & Outdoors
I speak
Getting Around
I'm driving
By foot
Payment Policy
Pay at Meeting
Prepay at Booking
Booking Request

To make a booking, please choose the date and time frame of your proposed meeting. Then click Request. You will then be prompted to add a message that includes the exact details of your proposed meeting.

The Citysurfing local will receive your request and message you back to clarify any questions they may have. If they agree to offer their services to you, they will create and send you a customized offer which will allow you to finalize your booking.

Each listing owner decides how they will receive payments for their services. If they selected “Prepay at Booking” you will need to prepay for the offer when you finalize your booking. If they selected “Pay at Meeting” you can make your payment in the local currency when you meet.

$100.00 Per Hour
Sens of humor was refreshing by Brett

Kim was very knowledgeable about Irvine's; where to go and what to do. Her sense of humor was refreshing!! I was very impressed with our host and this entire experience.

Very knowledgeable by Jesse

The entire experience was great! Kim was very knowledgeable of each area we went to, even areas that were not planned beforehand. She was very engaging and funny.

Extremely knowledgeable by Simona

Kim is extremely knowledgeable and helpful in every way. A memorable visit for sure!

Activity Partner
  • Kim
  • Create a trip to get multiple offers for your next big trip or move.
    Contact Kim directly
    Contact Kim directly
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