
Experience the city at it's best!

Vineyard, CA, USA
From $35.00/Hour
About me
I'm all about giving folks experiences they'll remember and learn from while having a blast. Sure, the usual "must-see" stuff is cool, but I'm all about going off the beaten path for some one-of-a-kind cultural adventures and high-energy fun.
My Offer
If you're into soaking up local culture, I'm your guide to finding those hidden gems that aren't in all the guidebooks. We're talking street art, cozy family restaurants with secret recipes, and other cool stuff that's part of a place's soul. It's like discovering the city's hidden heart.

And when you're up for some real excitement, I'm all in for those high-octane adventures. Whether it's outdoor thrills or diving into the city's nightlife, I'm game. So, whether you're up for cultural vibes or high-energy antics, I'm here to make your time awesome and unforgettable. Let's skip the usual and dive into the extraordinary!
Activity Type
History & Culture
Kid Friendly
Nature & Outdoors
I speak
Getting Around
I'm driving
By foot
Payment Policy
Pay at Meeting
Booking Request

To make a booking, please choose the date and time frame of your proposed meeting. Then click Request. You will then be prompted to add a message that includes the exact details of your proposed meeting.

The Citysurfing local will receive your request and message you back to clarify any questions they may have. If they agree to offer their services to you, they will create and send you a customized offer which will allow you to finalize your booking.

Each listing owner decides how they will receive payments for their services. If they selected “Prepay at Booking” you will need to prepay for the offer when you finalize your booking. If they selected “Pay at Meeting” you can make your payment in the local currency when you meet.

$35.00 Per Hour
Terrific guide by Carmen

He was a terrific guide and shared lots of information about the city. We had a blast together and I now consider him a friend.

This experience is great by John

This experience is great for the people that like to do something a little different. We didn’t really have a plan, but every place he showed us was amazing.

Highly recommend this experience by Josh

We really appreciated the chance to explore and learn about the city and it’s local life with our host. The food stops were wonderful. We highly recommend this experience.

Very enjoyable by David

I learned a great deal about the city and it was very enjoyable. I highly recommend it to first-time visitors!

10 stars by Lucy

We booked a host with my sister's family while visiting her. Our host was very knowledgeable and a great speaker. We learned a lot about the best places to shop, eat and have fun. 10 stars!

Robert is delightful... by Jeffrey

Robert is delightful and very informed. A great experience.

Activity Partner
  • Robert
  • Create a trip to get multiple offers for your next big trip or move.
    Contact Robert directly
    Contact Robert directly
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