
A Memorable Experience In Atlanta

Atlanta, GA, USA
From $15.00/Hour
About me
Hello. my name is Sarah, a former international flight attendant who has been around the world and visited almost every state in the United States before finally making Atlanta my home where i have lived for the past 10 years. With me you will visit the hot spots in Atlanta and the surrounding areas as well. My hosting activities include food tastings and visits to historical buildings. Nightlife hosting will include fun karaoke activities. You will be shuttled around in in a fully air-conditioned SUV, so come rain or shine you will experience Atlanta, GA in style.
My Offer
The best places to eat in Atlanta
Family friendly
Choose me if you are a food lover and enjoy beverages of all kinds
Activity Type
History & Culture
I speak
Getting Around
By foot
Payment Policy
Pay at Meeting
Booking Request

To make a booking, please choose the date and time frame of your proposed meeting. Then click Request. You will then be prompted to add a message that includes the exact details of your proposed meeting.

The Citysurfing local will receive your request and message you back to clarify any questions they may have. If they agree to offer their services to you, they will create and send you a customized offer which will allow you to finalize your booking.

Each listing owner decides how they will receive payments for their services. If they selected “Prepay at Booking” you will need to prepay for the offer when you finalize your booking. If they selected “Pay at Meeting” you can make your payment in the local currency when you meet.

$15.00 Per Hour
Learn things by Peggy

We did this on a whim looking for something to help us learn things about this city and we were delighted with the trip and our host. Would highly recommend this experience to anyone.

Activity Partner
  • Sarah
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