
Party time fun time

Atlanta, GA, USA
From $15.00/Hour
About me
Hello my name is Gabrielle I'm from Atlanta i enjoy the best things out of life. I enjoy eating at nice places , shopping , outdoor and indoor activities
My Offer
If u choose to chumo with me you will have the time of your life. I uber and lyft so i know where all the parties and good good are.
Activity Type
I speak
Getting Around
By foot
Payment Policy
Prepay at Booking
Booking Request

To make a booking, please choose the date and time frame of your proposed meeting. Then click Request. You will then be prompted to add a message that includes the exact details of your proposed meeting.

The Citysurfing local will receive your request and message you back to clarify any questions they may have. If they agree to offer their services to you, they will create and send you a customized offer which will allow you to finalize your booking.

Each listing owner decides how they will receive payments for their services. If they selected “Prepay at Booking” you will need to prepay for the offer when you finalize your booking. If they selected “Pay at Meeting” you can make your payment in the local currency when you meet.

$15.00 Per Hour
Had a wonderful time by Deb

Had a wonderful time. The smartest thing you can do is to book a host at the beginning of your trip so that you can use the knowledge you gain to enjoy the rest of your trip.

Loved the experience by Shelby

Loved the experience. It was just what I was looking for. Our host was a treat with lots of information, details and a great sense of humor. Very pleased!

Activity Partner
  • Gabrielle
  • Create a trip to get multiple offers for your next big trip or move.
    Contact Gabrielle directly
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