
Would love to show you Denver

Denver, CO, USA
From $24.00/Hour
About me
I've been in Colorado 10+ years and no one knows the food, fun, and frivolity better than me.
My Offer
I love to meet people and show them around Denver. I'm an events guru, so I always know some great festival, concert or event happening in all the neighborhoods around Denver. Write me and I'll see If i'm available to show you this amazing city!
Activity Type
History & Culture
Kid Friendly
I speak
Getting Around
I'm driving
By foot
Payment Policy
Pay at Meeting
Booking Request

To make a booking, please choose the date and time frame of your proposed meeting. Then click Request. You will then be prompted to add a message that includes the exact details of your proposed meeting.

The Citysurfing local will receive your request and message you back to clarify any questions they may have. If they agree to offer their services to you, they will create and send you a customized offer which will allow you to finalize your booking.

Each listing owner decides how they will receive payments for their services. If they selected “Prepay at Booking” you will need to prepay for the offer when you finalize your booking. If they selected “Pay at Meeting” you can make your payment in the local currency when you meet.

$24.00 Per Hour
Spending time with Janet in Denver was awesome! by Kimberly

Spending time with Janet in Denver was awesome! She’s super laid-back and made everything feel easy, but she also knows how to keep the adventure going.

Perfect guide by Ryan

Janet’s knowledge of the city is impressive, and she has a great eye for finding the best spots. If you want to experience Denver in a relaxed and fun way, Janet is the perfect guide for the job!

She's just great! by Natalie

We wandered through some awesome neighborhoods, enjoyed some fantastic food, and took a little trip to see some stunning views around the city. Janet knows Denver like the back of her hand, and she’s got a great sense for the coolest spots. If you’re looking for a fun and laid-back way to see Denver, Janet is definitely the person to go with!

I feel very... by Daryl

I feel very lucky to join Janet's chumaround experience. Otherwise I would never had such experience in Denver. She is very warm and thoughtful, and she has a great knowledge of the city.

Activity Partner
  • Janet
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